About Us
Owen Cassidy, Owner
During a soul fulfilling career as a Mountain Guide, Owen slowly transitioned into hearth and stove work to fill in during the slow seasons. Building a fire for a group of clients in the backcountry always warms the mood and creates community, so the mental transition to home installations of fire burning appliances was easy. Now, years later, after installing and servicing countless modern and efficient secondary heating systems for White Mountain Stove Shop, Alpine Stove became the next logical step.
Owen holds a degree in Business and Economics from University of Maine Farmington, Multiple Registered Maine Guide Licenses, and occasionally still leads courses for Synnott Mountain Guides of North Conway.
Alpine Stove works with other professionals in the Mount Washington Valley to achieve success on larger installs and during heavy service periods like the Fall. Pictured here is Silas, enjoying one of our favorite pass times here in North Conway.
Silas holds a NH Gas Hearth Installation License and has been installing units in the valley for over a decade.
Puddles the cat was found wondering the parking lot at Doloff Pond one january day when Owen was going ice skating after work. After diligent investigation, his previous owners couldn’t be found and he took the illustrious position of the Alpine Stove Mascot as a fur-filling retirement position.
His name is from the shape he likes to take most often on anyone’s lap in front of a fire